Making a subset of Font Awesome Font Awesome is, well, awesome - but there's no getting away from the fact that if you only want a few of the icons then it's not a lightweight package.
Some testing with Axios Recently I’ve been working on integrating with a subscription/payment gateway. (It hasn’t been straightforward, but that’s a whole other post…) I wanted to be able to test my web-hook code without repeatedly triggering events from the gateway. I stored the incoming events in JSON format, which
Hapi: using pre-route functions for fun and profit I started to think - Express has middleware, I wonder what Hapi has? There’s bound to be something so I can ...
Using templates and validation in Hapi In this post we’ll add template rendering (with Vision) and input validation (with Joi) into our application from the previous set of posts.
Too Many Headers Also known as "things I've learned today"... I've been using Insomnia [] the last couple of days to test a web API. Insomnia's a great client - it's got lots of features to make life easier. You can
Vue and PWA = awesome I just had to take a minute to say - Vue’s [] automatic PWA [] support is amazing. Enable it with the Vue CLI and it Just Works. Okay, you have to supply your own icons and stuff, but
GraphQL - first steps I was following Flavio Copes' tutorial [] on creating a basic GraphQL server in Express the other day. The tutorial was good, but I realised at the end that it didn't give you an example of a query to actually see the resolvers in
Parameter handling for Node.js logging with Winston Making Winston log statements act like console.log()